Sunday, March 29, 2009

Does Slow and Steady Always Win the Race?

Are you a planner, a fly-by the seat of your pants type, or a multitasker? I thought I was a multitasker --- every since resume writing class 101. I don't even know when I began calling myself that. The funnier thing is I actually thought I was becoming a great multitasker since being a mother requires that you master this skill early on. Ever tried nursing a newborn and copping a few Z's? What about making yourself some lunch while rocking a baby bouncer? Ooo, and my worse; chatting on the phone while managing the kids. Some of these jobs are easy and some are very hard. In all my trials with attempting to balance more than one thing at a time, I never stopped to think about why it was so difficult. Then a couple of days ago the answer arrived in my inbox.

Read it for yourself. There's no such thing as multitasking, the article declares. Huh? Or is it, Ahhh? I'm not sure of my response. I mean I have kind-a-sorta prided myself on learning the tricks of the motherhood trade by doing a heap of things at once. Now I'm told that my brain doesn't want me to be doing that? (Hello! I'm running two businesses here, people. You're a little late with your research!) So I thought about it. Doesn't seem to be any way I can go slow and steady and win this race. I mean not cold turkey. For example, while I've been typing I've planned out my dinner menu for the rest of the week and thought up a new post for my other blog. No such thing as multitasking, eh? Good to know I'm not the only one guilty of this. How many tasks can you juggle at once?

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