Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tales of a Risk Taker

I missed my day to blog on Monday because I physically could not do it. I sat here looking at the computer screen with my right arm in a sling. The doctor says it may be broken and only time will tell. Apparently the X-ray was too hard to read with all the fluid and swelling. So, here I am. One-arm-Polly after a mom's night out to a local roller skating rink. We were well into the evening when I had my little accident --- speed skating at the tender age of 34. Of course I had signed the liability wavier before trading my sneakers for roller skates. But even if I had not signed it, I still hold myself accountable. I went in there knowing full well that I might fall. I prayed to God that I wouldn't break any bones and went on without worry. All I wanted last weekend was to have a little fun and for a few hours I had a ball. The pain from a dislocated elbow and a trip to the emergency room leads to my resolve; next time I'll where elbow pads!

Some folks say I'm crazy because I did it, but I just can't sit on the sidelines of life and not be involved. Because what if I didn't give it a try, what would happen then? That's right --- NOTHING! So my very nature demands that I go out on a limb (so to speak) every once in a while. It's the same reasoning I apply to business. That may mean cashing in an old IRA or scraping together other funds to reinvest in my ongoing vision. No matter the case, you've got to give some to get some. The outcome may not always be pretty, er...that elbow hurt like the dickens! But at least I can say, I took a chance. I seized an opportunity. So? I fell down. But look at me now! I'm typing again and it is only Wednesday. Who knows what I'll be able to do come next week? This isn't the first bone I've broken in my old age and I might bend a few more before it's all over. (Please God, no...)

I am a risk taker and I lived to tell the story. Was there ever a time that you stuck your neck out there?

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