Monday, April 12, 2010

Working In the Sunshine

My email was explicit.

"Please note that I will be out of the office for a spell. If you need to reach me, call me on the cell phone."

I proceeded to pack up my things and a few minutes later, I plopped down at an empty picnic table on the playground. I only had 45 minutes while the kids were in science class, but who could tell. Every moment spent under those blue skies, breathing the crisp air was like eternity. I dragged out every second as I worked alongside nature.

A sparrow flew by and tweeted something special; nothing like the internet type tweeting that leaves you bogged down online. I handled business via a notepad and pen and I placed a few calls. It was quite different from sitting inside staring at the computer screen, phone ringing in the background and kids screaming. My productivity shot through the stratosphere!

In reality, there will be many days to come where I'll venture out with laptop in tow. But every now and then, I need to unplug and just relax while feeling the sunshine on my face.

How do you take a break from the daily grind?

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