Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Activities

We often talk about the importance of "me" time, but did you know that family time is just as important? Here's a list of great ways to spend time with the ones you love. Let the bonding began!

1. Take a long stroll around the neighborhood. Walking is good for heart and soul!

2. Pick a game night. Choose fun favorites like Hungry-hungry Hippos, Monopoly, Operation or Scrabble. Anything goes when you play together.

3. As the autumn leaves began to fall, go outside and tidy the yard together. Everyone gets fresh air and the job gets done faster!

4. Attend worship together. If you don't attend regularly, start with once a month. Make a family committment to go to church, praise and/or pray as a unit.

5. Borrow a funny family movie from the library or rent one. Laugh together.

6. Eat dinner together then let each person tell something good and bad about their day. Support each other.

7. Put on some music and everybody dance. Act silly and get the blood flowing. Relax and let loose, you're at home!

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