Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Most Important Thing

My little one is two now and with that age I had some new expectations.  There have been plenty of milestones on my new journey in motherhood and along with baby crawling, baby walking, baby taking formula, baby weaning and baby potty training I was expecting baby to also assert her independence and want to be under mommie less.  My girl is experiencing the 'terrific twos'.  She demands to do things herself, demands just about everything and expresses her feelings VERY clearly.  I thought, okay she is two now, so she will give me a breather and want to spend less time under mommie and more time exploring, playing with her toys, playing with daddy and mommie a break.  Well what a rude awakening for me. This little one has amped up her demands on me by double.  She constantly wants my attention, for me to hold her to cuddle her, to just plain be in her face.  If I am sitting looking at Elmo's World with her, she wants me to hold her, if I am cooking, she demands to be held, at the park I have to be right there looking at her every move.  On top of that she wants me to carry her EVERYWHERE!

What's a mommie to do?

Give her my undivided attention and let her know that there is nothing more important than her.  She needs that and I can see and feel it.  When I drop what I am doing to attend to her wants, needs or just plain give her the eye to eye, one on one attention she desires, I can see that it means everything to her.

As parents we get busy with our daily chores, but we have to remember our little ones need us.  They need us to edify them and acknowledge them and to reassure them of our unwavering love for them.  Sometimes its easier to do than others for me.  But I remind myself that the day is coming when my baby WILL want that independence and won't much to do with mommie and I stop and regard her.

Kids....just gotta love them.

Photo courtesy of

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