One banana. Two corn tacos with lettuce and tomato. One cup of piping hot green beans sauteed in olive oil and pepper. That is dinner tonight. Dinner, after two days and one evening of a full fast. Now I continue with a partial fast of vegetables and fruits only, until Easter. This is my first time fasting and I chose it for personal, spiritual reasons.
There I was this past Sunday, sitting on the pew; bible in hand. My three children to my left and God all around me. Speaking to me. After years and years of scoffing at the idea, I read Luke 4 and instantly decided to fast . It wasn't the first time I'd seen the text, but on Sunday the words came alive. That was the day I made a life-changing decision.
Why is it life-changing?
Consider the Hungry and what it feels like not to have food, yet when I had food I wasted it or often over ate. Consider the Lost who have no comfort in Christ, while I was easily sustained and continued life normally even without a meal. Consider the desperate who give up because they have no help, when all I had to do was pray and call out to God. Consider giving up all unnecessary things just to hear His voice and then, diligently, waiting on him. Finally, imagine living to your full potential because it is what God intended.
I will never be the same.
From now until Easter, I am praying for the people of Haiti, praying for our government leaders and praying for my church. I thank God for this spiritual break through and for what He's going to do in Haiti, in our nation and in my church.
Have you ever fasted? How did you feel afterwards?
Peace & blessings,