Sunday, August 8, 2010

Back To School

...And just like that, it's August! I'm enthralled by all the store circulars boasting school supplies, especially while the tax free shopping bug is going around. I get so excited for all the possibilities of a new school year when I see the bins full of brightly colored folders, pens and notebooks for sale. That's about the same time I realize I've got to get down to business.

My kids had a carefree summer which allowed them to slip out of their school routine and has let me become lax with the supplemental teaching I normally do at home. I know they're going to have a hard time getting back on track for the start of the next year. So I'm prepping them right now!

Yeah, it may sound cruel because they still have a few weeks of summer left, but it's for the best. Going cold turkey to a new bedtime is only going to make them miserable. When that first day comes I want them rested, nourished and ready to learn. So over the next four weeks we'll practice reading comprehension, handwriting and math so their brains will be firing when they get to class. I'll take it easy and only do about an hour of review per day. Then we'll balance it out with science experiments and crafts so everyone can still have fun (including me)! All the while I'm inching the bedtime up by about 15 minutes per night until it's back to what it should be. And so long as I'm taking the time to prepare the kids, I might as well tell myself to get with the program. It's showtime in less than a month!

How do you get ready for a new school year?

Many blessings,


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