Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Protection Plan for Your Company

There are but a few businesses that can truly be run as a one woman show. Even some of the simpliest ideas require more than one patner or hiring a few key employees. When your business is new and you're not quite running efficiently yet, it's understandable to be lax in this area. However, beware of keeping all the knowledge for self or for simply pawning off everything on your worker bees and therefore not knowing your business through and through. It could be a disaster if not handled from the start.

A few years ago there was a popular commericial where a company is going into a very important meeting with a client. The lead company rep gets caught in traffic or something and isn't able to make the meeting. Then the backup rep reaches down to get the backup files, while assuring the boss that everything is cool, and bangs his head on the end of the table. It's an instant knockout and the suprised, unprepared, unknowledgeable boss looks the client in the eye with a very nervous grin. Comical. But it could happen to you if you don't prepare. Likewise it could strike your business if you hold all the info. What if, God forbid, you fell ill or had some emergency and weren't able to manage your company for a while? Everything could go under in the blink of an eye. That's why you've got to plan and be ready for a few twists and turns in the business world.

Train a backup person or a least write an SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) handbook so that in the event you're down and out, there is a way for your business to thrive until you get back in the game. If you are the brains behind the idea but merely exsist as the puppetmaster now, make sure you know the whole song and dance just incase you've got to fill in by working below. Prepare for this by spending quality time on your product floor or in the mix of all operations which comprise your business. While you're at it put yourself in your customer's shoes as well, to assure that everyone's needs are being met. If you do these things your business will be better protected and you can rest a little be easier --- come what may.

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